Excess Attack Speed to Attack Damage Ratio: 60% > 70%.Shield Bonus: 10% multiplicative movement speed > 10% movement speed.Regardless, let’s talk about the upcoming changes coming to Zeri. It was much needed, considering how Zeri has been tanking in the win-rate area of League of Legends. The Spark of Zaun, Zeri, is the last champion to receive a mini-rework. Shield Duration: 2.5 seconds After Devour Ends > Unlimited but decays by 200 per second after Devour ends until the shield is gone.Percentage Health Damage AP Ratio: 5% per 100 AP > 7% per 100 AP.Percentage Damage Stored (Alone || Near Ally): >.Self Help Missing HP Ratio: 3 – 5% > 5 – 7%.Let’s recap the changes coming to Tahm Kench. Thus, this mini-rework is designed to change how players play the River King. It is an interesting pivot considering that Tahm Kench got a rework last year. This time, Riot wants to make him into an AP Bruiser. The River King, Tahm Kench, is getting some love from Riot as well. Nearby spell casts reduce the cooldown of Force Pulse by 1 second.Force Pulse no longer requires nearby spell casts to be charged up to use.The shield is granted when Q is cast instead of when the missile leaves his hand as part of the animation.We already did an article on the changes. He is not getting a lot of changes, but it will cause people to adapt how they play Kassadin. The Void Walker, Kassadin, is also getting a mini-rework.

At Rank 3 (Level 15), both healing effects are increased by an additional 5% per nearby enemy champion.

Gray Health Heal (When Not Hit): 0% > 50%.Health Cost: 5% Current Health > 8% Current Health.Maximum Health Heal: 8% Max Health > 4% Max Health.Current Health Loss: 7% Current Health > 3% Current Health.Maximum Health Regeneration per 5 seconds: 0.8-1.6% Max Health > 0.4-2.5% Max Health.Regardless, these are the changes we know that are coming to Dr. However, this will still be immense for the champions.