
Insomnia quotes sarcasm
Insomnia quotes sarcasm

“People who say they sleep like a baby usually don’t have one.” - Leo J. “Why don’t kids understand that their nap is not for them but for us?” - Alyson Hannigan That - and no sleep!” - Jenna Dewan-Tatum Every action I take, I think of her first. “The only thing kids wear out faster than shoes is their parents.” - John J. And I am a better parent I have more energy.” - Molly Ringwald “Yes, my kids come first, but as a parent I need to come to them with a fresh mind. Here are some quotes dealing with insomnia and parenthood: Oh, and sleep? There’s a reason we didn’t mention it when talking about juggling family and a career.

Insomnia quotes sarcasm free#

“Insomnia sharpens your math skills because you spend all night calculating how much sleep you’ll get if you’re able to fall asleep “right now’.” - Unknown Insomnia Quotes for Parentsīeing a parent is almost a full-time job itself, to say nothing about juggling it with a normal career and… well, whatever free time you can manage to scrounge up. “Sleep is such a luxury, which I can’t afford.” - Robin Sikarwar “My bed is a magical place where I suddenly remember everything I forgot to do.” - Unknown “His insomnia was so bad he couldn’t sleep during office hours.” - Arthur Baer “The best cure for insomnia is to get a lot of sleep.” - W.C. “Friend: Are you getting enough sleep? Me: Sometimes when I sneeze, my eyes close.” - Unknown

insomnia quotes sarcasm

“According to the ‘you snooze, you lose’ principle, insomnia makes us winners!” - Unknown “Sleep: a poor substitute for caffeine!” - Wallace Shawn “Don't fight with the pillow, but lay down your head And kick every worriment out of the bed.” - Edmund Vance Cooke “The amount of sleep required by the average person is five minutes more.” - Wilson Mizner Lecturers talk while other people sleep.” - Albert Camnus “Laugh and the world laughs with you, snore and you sleep alone.” - Anthony Burgess “Error 404 sleep not found.” - Vishal Surelia “I'm an insomniac, my mind works the night shift.” - Pete Wentz You have the misery of having partied all night… without the satisfaction.” - Lynn Johnston Here are a few funny insomnia quotes to help you through your day (or night): Sometimes, the best way to deal with something that’s stressing you out is to laugh about it. Likewise, we’ve added a few tips at the bottom that you can try to help find some relief. That’s why we made this list of people who have suffered from insomnia - and some of the wisdom they have to share. However, despite the frustration (and the many days of being exhausted due to the lack of sleep), you may find comfort in knowing you aren’t alone, and what you’re experiencing is actually quite common. The frustration of not being able to fall asleep at night and not fully understanding why is a feeling that many people have experienced at some point in their lives and can, unfortunately, relate to.

insomnia quotes sarcasm

Insomnia is a condition that affects millions of people all over the world, across many different age groups, genders, ethnicities, and occupations. If this sounds familiar, it’s likely you’ve dealt with insomnia before.

insomnia quotes sarcasm

You want to scream: “Why can’t I just fall asleep?!” You can’t seem to relax, and you can feel yourself getting frustrated. You start worrying about buying a friend a present for their birthday… that’s three months away. Something your boss said to you three days ago keeps bouncing around inside your head. You find yourself tossing and turning, overthinking everything that happened during the day. Yet, when you fall into bed, ready to immediately head off to your dreams… nothing happens. You’re so exhausted, you can barely make it there.

insomnia quotes sarcasm

It’s quite honestly all you’ve been thinking about. You’ve been thinking about crashing into your bed all day. You wake up early, put it a long, grueling day at work, and then finally make it home.

Insomnia quotes sarcasm